Joe Biden Declares COVID Over. Procedes To Get COVID Again. Drops Out Of 2024 Presidental Race: Timeline


2022 : Biden gets COVID, despite being double vaccinated with booster and isolated in his Delaware basement.

2022: Two months later, Biden declares COVID over

2023: Biden Administration ended the Emergency Medical Act which streamlined healthcare and COVID research as we still learned about the long term effects of the virus. The worst pandemic in our history.

2023: Biden investigated and deemed “medically ineligible” to be charged with felony mishandling of classified documents because of his age and forgetfulness. Yet medically eligible to run the country.

2024: Biden insist he is in peak health, despite the nation witnessing someone clearly struggling physically and mentally during a Presidential debate.

2024: Biden gets COVID, again. Believes Paxlovid is going to get him back in the race soon.

JULY 22 & 23 2024: Biden, while isolated in his Delaware basement with the same virus he claimed his administration ended in 2022, officially drops out the race. Expected to formally address nation.

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