Pandemic guidelines gave Gov. Tim Walz power he never had to fight COVID.
He used COVID resources to lock up a Minnesota grandmother who questioned him.
He deemed liquor stores and strip and drag clubs as essential businesses, but mom and pop shops like many Frontline patients run and support were targeted by Gov. Tim Walz. He even went as far as to lock up a Minnesota grandmother exposing her worse health risk and destroying her small business.
Leadership during chaos matters. Frontline Doctors stood firm and challenged the status quo on behalf of the truth, some who want to be in leadership want to vaccinate, castrate, and enforce health laws that are detrimental to our kids and families.
Many Frontline doctors and providers were attacked and harassed by leaders like Gov. Tim Walz. Many Frontline Doctors licenses where suspended or taken away and their clinics were forced to be closed, all because they fought for their patrons, beliefs and patients and demanded the truth. Schedule with Frontline Doctors where truth in healthcare matters more. There is more truth to come.